Transforming Black Friday into a day of responsible consumption

24 octobre 2024

Black Friday is here. It’s a date that has already become the prelude to Christmas shopping, and for some time now, practically every company has been offering some kind of discount on their products. Many of them are reduced to 50% or less of their original price. And in the face of such an avalanche, who can resist? 

It’s important to be careful about not spending more than you’d planned to—and that what seemed like a good investment doesn’t spiral into compulsive, meaningless purchases. With discounts, there is always an excuse to buy more, sometimes needlessly and excessively. In fact, according to the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), if consumer mentality does not change by 2050, the equivalent of nearly three planets will be needed to provide the natural resources that the population requires. With that in mind, those small gestures of responsible consumption in our everyday lives can mean a lot. 

Since reflection precedes every good deed, before launching into buying something on Black Friday, it’s worth asking ourselves if we really need it—or if it’s only a fleeting impulse. Knowing how to distinguish between want and need is essential to not get carried away with the bombardment of offers and discounts.

At Sanicat, we are well aware that it’s sometimes difficult to resist a good bargain, which includes products for our pets as well. It’s okay to take advantage of Black Friday and the offers that we find on popular e-commerce platforms, just so long as the purchase is thought through, and we’re planning to use it soon. 

At Sanicat, we care about the well-being of our planet, which is why part of our mission is to reduce our environmental impact. To avoid falling into the trap of compulsive shopping, we’ve got two tips to help you shop more responsibly during the Black Friday sales. First up, make a list of everything you want to buy, then divide it into wants and needs. That way, you can avoid letting impulses take over. It’s also advisable not to be blinded by discounts, taking two conditions into account before making a purchase: whether the price is reasonable, and if we really need that product.

By doing so, even if it’s through small gestures, we can be more rational when getting tempted by the sales, making sure we properly weigh up the need to buy new products. And in the event that a purchase is essential, try to do it in the most sustainable way possible.